To learn everything about the European Union: a full, up to date analysis of the Member States, the Union and the euro area.
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Permanent Atlas
of the European Union
With its 27 Member States and its 447 million inhabitants the European Union is the leading economic power in the world.
And yet when people speak of it, they only mention the problems experienced in its construction and it remains largely misunderstood.
This third edition of the Atlas of the European Union is a work of reference that presents the Union, its institutions, each of its Member States and their overseas territories via their history, their culture and their reality. With over 50 maps, original information sheets and synthetic statistics, it offers a unique view of Europe and is accessible to all.

It is a vital tool to get to know and to understand the issues at stake in the 21st century, the current challenges and the opportunities for Europe and the euro in a world in transformation.
Written by experts at the Robert Schuman Foundation – one of the very foremost think-tanks devoted to European integration – the Atlas provides easy to find information on Europe.

Innovative because it is permanent, meaning that via free access to the website, its content is regularly updated so that everyone can access the most recent data on an ever-evolving Europe at any time.
With the Editions Marie B, the Robert Schuman Foundation has published the 3rd English edition of the Permanent Atlas of the European Union, a book full of geopolitical information.

The information in this Atlas is regularly updated. To access it, enter your email address below and the ISBN of the book.

Online update access

France - mise à jour le 21st July 2023
  European Union - mise à jour le 18th July 2023
Euro Area - mise à jour le 18th July 2023
Sharing a border on the west with the Germanic world, to the South with the Slavs and in the East by the Russians, Poland has experienced a difficult, tormented history and has regularly been cut up and shared out between its powerful neighbours. The 18th century nearly witnessed its total demise but in the 20th century especially that it had to face its most difficult tests, passing from Nazi to Soviet domination. But the thirst for independence on the part of its long oppressed people, carried along by intellectuals, as well by popular movements, finally enabled it to free itself and have a chance to takes its fate in hand. It aimed to anchor itself in Europe by joining the European Union in 2004 which it chaired in the 2nd semester 2011 in spite of the difficulties of the economic crisis.
Permanent Atlas of the European Union, 30 information sheets and analyses to learn everything there is to know about the European Union. .
©2021 - Permanent Atlas of the European Union - Edition Lignes de Repères - Fondation Robert Schuman - all rights reserved - contact