The governance of the Euro Area, which comprises 19 of the 27 Member States of the European Union, is complex. However, it is clear that, despite internal and sovereignist resistance and external and speculative forces, the Euro Area is capable of getting through the economic, financial and budgetary crises, just like the Greek crisis. 19 years after its introduction, its currency remains, even in difficult times, influential both on its periphery and in the rest of the world. At least 342 million people in the EU use the euro on a daily basis. It is the second most actively traded currency in the world and the second reserve currency after the dollar. It is used in about 16.1% of daily foreign exchange transactions and accounts for about 20.35% of global foreign exchange reserves. Despite the fact that integration still needs to be strengthened politically, economically, and fiscally, the Euro Area could emerge as a path to deeper European integration in the coming years.